Thursday, August 16, 2007

Child fantaisies

One of my favorite memories is from my nephew Jacob, who with a straight face said "Tati can do anything" and the time he said " Tati, you know everything". Well I wouldn't go as far as to say I know everything or I can do anything, but in his eyes I can and that is all that matters. We need to allow children to have that type of fantasy for the people they admire, and in due time that person will soon fall in place with the rest of the world but that will happen when that child is ready. If we force them to accept it before they are ready it can be a damaging process that they may never get over. Life has a way of teaching children with out any pushing from adults. Let children be children !! Our children are growing up to fast allow them the chance to be children and to have those memories.

1 comment:

Catherine Roseberry-Meyer said...

You are right. The world that we live in makes children grow up way too fast. I'm right there with you, let kids be kids.
Hey, these kids are the best! Aren't they?
Don't they make you feel on top of the world? We owe them the best of us.
Kinda like we owe God...