Tuesday, October 9, 2007

I am still here !

I am still alive but I am just bogged down. With the new job came the responsibility to create a class from the ground up. My new class is completely empty besides a few tables and chairs. When I told the boys that I was gonna have my own classroom they were so excited. I promised them that when it is done they can come see it. As children I want their input, it is vital. I now that this is one thing that they will forever remember: Their Tati had her own classroom. And I am sure that they will be telling others all about it.

Saturday, September 8, 2007

The three sisters

The other night I actually woke up at 4:15 AM to see the meteor shower. I was so amazed by the beauty of it. While I was out there looking for the meteors I was able to admire the stars and I saw my three favorite ones. There are three stars that make a line and I call them the " Three sisters". It reminded me of the night our whole family had a bon fire and Jacob leaned over to me and said, " Look Tati the three sisters." And not long after that Samuel shouted, "Tati, the three sisters!" Both of them were pointing to my stars. One day, Naomi will do the same and call them the three sisters. Wether or not that is their real name to us they will forever be, " The three sisters".

Tuesday, August 28, 2007


The other day I noticed that whenever my niece sees me, she shakes her head while opening and closing her hands. I started to wonder, "Why does she do that?". She only does this when she sees me, the question of "Why" became personal. So, I asked my mom what she though. It was then that we both realized that when she was little I was the only one who would shake my head in a yes motion while opening and closing my hands (this was to get her to come to me).

She is imitating me!

You never know what habit a child will pickup from you. Lets make the possible habits they can get all positive ones, because as we all know a habit is one of the hardest thing to get rid of.

Thursday, August 16, 2007

Child fantaisies

One of my favorite memories is from my nephew Jacob, who with a straight face said "Tati can do anything" and the time he said " Tati, you know everything". Well I wouldn't go as far as to say I know everything or I can do anything, but in his eyes I can and that is all that matters. We need to allow children to have that type of fantasy for the people they admire, and in due time that person will soon fall in place with the rest of the world but that will happen when that child is ready. If we force them to accept it before they are ready it can be a damaging process that they may never get over. Life has a way of teaching children with out any pushing from adults. Let children be children !! Our children are growing up to fast allow them the chance to be children and to have those memories.