Tuesday, September 9, 2008

OK ! ! ! !

Well, A LOT of things have happened with work and my family. So, I now try to live by the motto "Leave the past in the past. If you don't know about the past its best that you don't ask". So, with that said, I am ready to start again.

The other day I went to a conference where I read this quote:
"We should all do what in the long run, gives us joy, even if it's only picking grapes or folding the laundry"
EB White.

So let us do what makes us happy, even if you don't understand. Don't point and make us feel uncomfortable with what we do. Don't pull it all apart and try to analyze each piece. Don't try to change us. Just let us be happy.

1 comment:

Catherine Roseberry-Meyer said...

Nice surprise! Hope you stay with Bloggworld :) this time!
I like this quote. You know, some the biggest joy in life are small things. The important part is that whatever you do, do it with your heart.
Right, not everybody will understand, not everybody will see it, not everybody will like it. You can't make them.
Right, they can't make you - but you will always grow and mature - that's the change!
Ultimately, you will know who you are, regardless of what, when, who, how, where.
Let the real Crystal - child of God - rise.

Love you, Mom